Estúdio Porto

Typographic Portrait

CAL ANI FTEN SSONS MOM BILL Wax dad Try t laws to time Fina Led Zeppelin Org my brothers Buika co more Spanish wine Drin sing to my son more often Live more Take my son to swimming le leep earlier because I actually of Bill Evan’s albums Take Mi Go to New York more often Mo cause why not T Mike and lighter color clothes Feed th hair Really try hard to go fo Work my prejudice in thera Speak less and listen mo ll the neighb he frequently drives me craz a e ec bou anny W heck if IUD ut cat’s nails H the wall Try to b h the in-laws Tell ws to fuck-off Try all the time Fi do D HE CUT TRY TO THE IN GUILTY DO NO CALL DRINK SING TO M FUCK MORE T LESSONS GO TO OY IT TELL MOM SHE ENTLY DRIVES ME CRAZ VAN’S ALBUMS TAKE MIKE EW YORK MORE OFTEN MO HY NOT TRY TO WATCH SCI D NOT BE A BITCH ABOUT OLOR CLOTHES FEED THE REALLY TRY HARD TO GO FOR THE MORNIN eed the ba bout dad in therapy Pay the nanny Waxing heck if IUD is still in call dad Cut cat’s nail n the wall Try to be patient with the in ws to fuck-off Try not to feel guilty to friends that I do not like Led g pictures Call my brothers B rink more Spanish wine Drink n more often Live by the beac swimming lessons Go to sleep enjoy it Tell mom she frequentl ad all of Bill Evan’s albums Take w York more often Move to Haw o watch sci-fi movies with Mike T rt buying lighter color clothes Fee ottl recipe from eck if IUD is ent with th y admit to ers Buika concert on S sing to my son more ofte essons Go to sleep earlier b me crazy Download all of B more often Move to Hawaii t be a bitch about it Start buying lighter color clothes Feed the Cat ir Really try hard to go for the morning runs Work my prejudice in ther g judgmental Speak less and listen more Tell the neighbor to stop the music Visit Cape Verde Remember not to be so obsessive about my w ottles for the night Have sex with my husband Feed the baby Get Str om mom Talk more about dad in therapy Pay the nanny Waxing on T ll in call dad Cut cat’s nails Hang pictures on the wall Try to aws to fuck-off Try not to feel guilty all the time Fin friends that I do not like Led Zeppelin Org Buika concert on Saturday Dr n more often Live by th ee ay the nanny Hang pictures on the wall Try eel guilty all the time Finally adm wedding pictures Call my brothers B more water Try to sing to my son imming lessons Go to sleep me crazy Download Hawaii Have my husband baby Get noff reci Talk dad the on eck call nail es o to b h th the ff T ilty ina nds lik Orga pic bro nce Drin win wat my Live uck son les ee ac Tel ue ABOUT D CHECK IF I ON HE WAN LAWS TO FUC Y ADMIT TO EDDING PI why not Try to watch s a bitch about it Start be Cat Cut my son’s hair R uns Work my prejudic l Speak less and liste night rap music s Buik Spanish my ck ns Go to sleep ear oy it Tell mom she all of Bill Evan’s albu Take Mike to ften sday Check if IUD is ils Hang pictures with the in-laws not to gar ne son e i ov wat u a clot bor C SEX cum volu aborere sit omn volupta nis most disinimols pe estrum fa borio. Hit aute teceatum vell endiori atiba volorerrum n ium que magn aspere seque dolore nihil faciuntur, et essiti r nis dolup aritiae ex ipsam vo eatem iu totatur as aspis dolo faciuntur, et essiti re nis dolupta aritiae ex en ipsam volore eatem ium qu totatur aspere aspis dolore nihil faciuntur, occum u he slee quen ke Mi Hawai not be eed the orning mental late y ay more more more ons all KE AC RAZY E MO WHY par with off ad rsd Cut Try law the do ing pictures Call my cert on Saturday Drin wine Drink more water on more often Live by ore Take my son to swi to sleep earlier becaus y it Tell mom she frequ azy Download all of Bill ke Mike to the movies Go to New Yor ore often Move to Hawaii because why ot Try to watch sci-fi movies with Mike not be a bitch about it Start buying er color clothes Feed the Cat Cut hair Really try hard to go for ing runs Work my prej Stop listen the nig ee o e D ure laws Tell th feel guilt SA M DIS s d pl e em is ea ur u er a s t n at m s a is dis de au aby he all wit he time Finally admit to f anize wedding pictures C rday Drink more Spani y son more often Live mming lessons Go to s om she frequently Take Mike Take clothes Fe to stop the la Feed the alibus e bita rch aby Get Strogano in therapy Pay the na IUD is still in Call dad Cut the wall Try to be patient with fuck-off Try not to feel guilty all th ends that I do not like Led Zeppelin s Call my brothers Buika concert on nish wine Drink more water Try to s n Live by the beach Fuck more Take g lessons Go to sleep earlier because mom she frequently drives me crazy D Evan’s albums Take Mike to the movies e often Move to Hawaii because why not fi movies with Mike and not be a bitch olor clothes Feed the Cat Cut my o go for y husb sex ore about dad in therapy Pay the nanny Waxin call dad Cut cat’s nails Hang pictures on the wall Try Tell the in-laws to fuck-off Try not to feel guilty all the time that I do not like Led Zeppelin Organize wedding pictures Call oncert on Saturday Drink more Spanish wine Drink more water T my son more often Live by the beach Fuck more Take my son to sw eep earlier because I actually enjoy it Tell mom she frequently drives m ad all of Bill Evan’s albums Take Mike to the movies Go to New York mo ve to Hawaii because why not Try to watch sci-fi movies with Mike and n bout it Start buying lighter color clothes Feed the Cat Cut my son’s hair Rea o go for the morning runs Work my prejudice in therapy Stop being judgmen k less and listen more Tell the neighbor to stop the late night rap music Visit Ca e Remember not to be so obsessive about my work Prepare bottles for the nigh e sex with my husband Feed the baby Get Stroganoff recipe from mom Talk more ut dad in therapy Pay the nanny Waxing on Thursday Check if IUD is still in call dad cat’s nails Hang pi s to fuck-off Try no Zeppelin Organize k more Spanish w beach Fuck more tually enjoy it Tell ums Take Mike to the hy not Try to watch sci-f lothes Feed the Ca in therapy S late nigh ppelin Orga Drink more Spanish win by the beach Fuck more Take actually enjoy it lbums Tak M DIS Z TO THE MOVI CAUSE WHY OT BE A BITCH HE CAT CUT RUN PE sim posse quodi cone vere prepu unt perumque voles nonsequ i uassun tibustiis volupici temp at. Magnis aliquam ut veli s atur mil is aut occupta ndanis ut audaest, ut re ni enderchil et od et seditam ay Dis son Tel all ike m or y more Take to sleep ea y it Tell mom she fr d all of Bill ovies Go to N Hawaii because why sci-fi movies with Mike ng lighter color clo Really try hard Work my prejudi mental Speak l o stop the la ememb